Without your support, the work we’re doing wouldn’t be possible. We need your support to create space for our current and future neighbors to have a place in SLC. Visit the links below to learn more and act.
From sending letters and emails to your elected officials, to signing our petitions, we’re depending on your help to advance the pro-housing, pro-tenant policies we’re fighting for.
Take action and encourage likeminded people to do the same!
Current Actions
ADU Code Changes: Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are an important part of Salt Lake City’s housing future. While they are not a silver bullet that can fully meet the SLC’s housing needs, they are a critical part of establishing neighborhood scale infill housing. As a simple and affordable option for many people, these units can provide much needed workforce housing, housing for students, and for aging parents.
ADUs are also a way to build wealth and opportunity in SLC's neighborhoods by providing every homeowner with the opportunity to participate in incremental development of their neighborhoods.
The changes proposed by SLC will make ADUs easier to build. We support this policy as a necessary first step toward incremental density and increased housing in every neighborhood in Salt Lake City.